7 Steps To Creating Effective Training Programs

Most information that covers the steps to creating an effective training program starts with a Needs Assessment. But how can you assess the situation if you don’t know where you’re going? That’s why we think the logical first step is to identify your training objectives in support of your business goals.

So, here are the steps we recommend when building out your training system in preparation for launching your Learning Management System.

7 Steps To Creating an Effective Training Program

  1. Identify Objectives and Goals: Identifying your training objectives begins with an understanding of the desired outcomes in support of your overall business goals. This requires input from your leaders and team members.  You will want to identify training deliverables that keep key knowledge in the business, support high morale, retain top employees, and boost overall business performance and compliance. 
  2. Conduct a Needs Assessment: Your training program’s needs assessment will help you identify areas within the business that require training support. You will identify key tasks that employees need to master, as well as what types of training they’ll need to learn those tasks. Remember, this is an assessment of the organizational needs, not individual employees. That comes later.
  3. Identify Training Methods and Delivery: Each business will have its own methods of training that produce the greatest results. Sometimes, that is hands-on training. It can be virtual, on-demand videos. Having a live, in-person workshop may be best. You might even combine all of these for a more effective program. Remember the old adage for training: tell ‘em, show ‘em, have ‘em do it. How can you fit that into your program? You will also want to design training “for adults.” Trainers can get caught up thinking they’re teaching kids in school. Adult learners are, well, adults. They bring a career full of existing knowledge and experience. They want to take charge of their training in a self-directed format. They don’t want to be talked down to, and they like achieving goals. Keep all of that in mind when identifying your training methods.
  4. Create an Action Plan: As you complete those first three steps, a clear plan of action will start to emerge. The key to your success here is to document that plan, with clear action items, objectives, due dates, and responsible parties.
  5. Generate Training Materials and Assessments: Now that you have a plan, start creating those training materials. These may be curriculums, media presentations, videos, training props, etc. Ongoing assessment of the training program, both organizationally and individually, is part of this. If creating these materials is outside your wheelhouse, there are third-party solutions for creating your training materials
  6. Build Out Your LMS: A good Learning Management System will get your training program running like a fine-tuned machine. It will deliver training, schedule resources, and help you stay on top of compliance, issue certifications, and much more. 
  7. Make Ongoing Adjustments: Ongoing evaluation of the success (or shortcomings) of your training program is the key to creating the best program possible. Continue to bounce the results off of the business goals and training objectives you identified in the first step. 

Effective Training For Employees

Once you have your training program designed using the steps above, you will need to run through these steps for each training course you design.

For each course, you will need to

  • Know the training objectives and goals (hint: use the SMART system for each goal)
  • Know how to assess the needs of each employee as related to your business goals
  • Build out training outlines
  • Identify trainers
  • Create ongoing training assessments and certifications

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We hope you found this information helpful. If you’d like additional information on creating your company’s training program, consider these articles and info, or schedule a quick call with our experts by using our Calendly Link.

Customizable LMS: Tips and Recommendations

Manage Instructor-Led Training (ILT) on Your LMS

Instructional Design Models For Online Courses

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